Privacy Policy
Busline Privacy Policy
The Busline company respects the privacy and protection of the personal data of its customers. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use and protect our customers' personal information.
Collection of personal information
Busline collects personal information only for the purpose of providing our services. The information collected may include your name, email address, phone number, shipping address, credit/debit card number and other information necessary to process your payment and reservation.
Use of personal information
Busline Company uses the personal information collected only for the purpose of providing our services. This information may be used for payment processing, booking confirmation and communication with our customers regarding the race schedule or any other changes to it.
Protection of personal data
Busline uses appropriate security measures to protect the personal information of its customers. All personal information is stored on secure servers and access to it is limited to our authorized personnel. In addition, we use security protocols to protect data during its transmission over the Internet.
Disclosure of Personal Information
Busline Company does not share its customers' personal information with third parties outside of the need to provide our services. In some cases, we may disclose personal information to comply with applicable laws and regulations or to protect our rights and property.
Customer rights
Busline customers have the right to access, correct or delete personal information collected by us. Our customers may also request that no marketing or other information be sent to them via email or other communication channels.
Privacy Policy Changes
Busline reserves the right to change this privacy policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website and will be effective immediately upon posting.
By using our website and services, customers accept our privacy policy and consent to the collection, use and protection of their personal information in accordance with it.